Thursday, July 30, 2009

Women-owned high tech firms and external capital

Of note: A recent study [summary, full report] by the Ewing Marion Kauffmann foundation highlights differences by gender of owners in the sources of financing and financial strategy for high-tech startups. I wonder what the results would be if gender were removed from the statistics, and replaced simply with the differences in source funding and financial strategy. Would the same differences in performance-related measures hold over time? The answer may rest in the full data set, but I've not the time to sleuth it just now.

1 comment:

  1. Another good question to ask is: What percentage of these women owned firms are truly run by a male - where the company is filed under a wife's name in order to gain favorable consideration in regards to affirmative action? I honestly don't know the percentage and don't have any time to sleuth it either, but I've seen this happen often enough to question whether it's become a standard practice for businesses seeking government contracts.


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