As far as I can tell, S. 1233 is no longer under consideration. The current bill is H.R. 2965 as passed in the Senate (dubbed "Engrossed Amendment Senate"). This version of H.R. 2965 includes several alterations from the original House version, incorporating certain aspects of S. 1233 (as for example "Sec. 103 SBIR allocation increase" which appears in H.R. 2965 EAS, but not in the version "Received in Senate").
To see these differences visit the link above, and click "Show Changes". GovTrack is also covering the progress of H.R. 2965.
Those more experienced with how laws are made may have greater insight, but the best I can gather is that in order to constitute a Conference Committee, one of the bills needed to be passed by the other House of Congress. That was done, when the Senate voted on and passed H.R. 2965 on July 13. What remains are for the differences between these versions to be resolved, then it goes to the President for his signature.
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