Thursday, August 26, 2010

Winslow Sargent, Chief Counsel of Advocacy, Small Business Administration

President Obama has taken the August recess of Congress as an opportunity to issue a Recess Appointment to Winslow Sargent to be the Chief Counsel of Advocacy of the Small Business Administration. While some objections have come from those in the small business community because of Sargent's connections with a small Wisconsin Venture Capital firm, there is good reason to believe his appointment will benefit small innovative businesses and the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. His nomination, held up for months by neglect and political posturing, was supported by the Small Business Technology Council (SBTC) of the National Small Business Association (NSBA) . Here is the NSBA commentary on the appointment.

Below is the relevant section from the White House Press Release:

Winslow Sargeant, Nominee for Chief Counsel of Advocacy, Small Business Administration
Winslow Sargeant is currently a Managing Director in the technology practice at Venture Investors, where he works with entrepreneurs to create innovative companies in underserved communities. From 2001 to 2005, he was the program manager for the Small Business Innovations Research (SBIR) Program in Electronics, a new office in the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Engineering Directorate. Previously, Sargeant co-founded Aanetcom, a fabless semiconductor chip startup company with seed funding from Cisco systems which was acquired by PMC-Sierra. Prior to Aanetcom, he held senior engineering positions at Lucent, AT&T Bell Labs and IBM. Sargeant currently serves on the Boards of Silatronix and Pattern Insight. He serves as a Director of the University of Wisconsin Foundation and was the Vice Chairman ofthe UW-Madison Astronomy Board of Visitors. He is a member of the Boards of Directors of WiCell, WiSys and the Waisman Center. Sargeant is a Trustee for theWisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) and also serves on Purdue UniversityDiscovery Center's Research Board of Visitors. Sargeant received the inaugural2002 University of Wisconsin Distinguished Young Alumni Award and was a 2003Outstanding Engineering Alumni Awardee from Northeastern University. He receiveda B.S. from Northeastern University, an M.S. from Iowa State University and hisPh.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, all in Electrical Engineering.He is a member of the society of Kauffman Fellows, Class 11.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Re-election Posturing Sticks it to Small Businesses

I have difficulty understanding how some politicians consider political maneuvering that damages small businesses, which has a deleterious effect on job creation and economic growth is somehow in the best interest of getting themselves re-elected. [SIGH]

via NSBA news:
Small Business Jobs Bill Stalemate in the Senate
1099 Reporting Repeal Defeated by House Politics

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Proposed Tax Credit for Investors in SBIR firms

Proposed Tax Credit for Investors via The Pursuit.

Now all we need is some tax incentives for the entrepreneurs and small businesses themselves, to reward bootstraps as much as those who take outside investment:
  • Allow the self-employed to fully deduct the cost of health insurance premiums, just like the rest of the employed population.
  • Provide all employers (regardless of size) with tax breaks for creating net new jobs. Let's create a level playing field that actually rewards job creation.
